fitODBOD: An R Package to Model Binomial Outcome Data using Binomial Mixture and Alternate Binomial Distributions.

The R package fitODBOD can be used to identify the best-fitting model for Over-dispersed Binomial Outcome Data(BOD).The Triangular Binomial(TriBin),Beta-Binomial(BetaBin), Kumaraswamy Binomial (KumBin), Gaussian Hypergeometric Generalized …

CRAN-fitODBOD: fitting Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data

Binomial Outcome Data has vast amount use in the field of biology, medicine and epidemiology. Modelling such data relative to Binomial Mixture Distributions were discussed because Binomial distribution fails to model the data. The reason is actual …

Website-fitODBOD: fitting Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data

Using [pkgdown]( a genuine website for fitODBOD was generated. There is no extra work to be done here, because pkgdown uses our existing man files and vignettes to create this website. It is quite easy and convenient for a …

R Package Development to Model Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data with the use of Binomial Mixture Distributions and Alternate Binomial Distributions.

This is a least viable product of R package for fitting Binomial outcome data, and an abstract, extended articles were written in related to this minimum viable product.